Saturday, January 24, 2009

I was running some errands this afternoon and saw some things that I can't get out of my mind.  At the intersection about a mile from my house, there were these signs, like the "for sale" or "yard sale" signs you put out in the yard.  But these signs were for churches.  Four of them. And this thought flew through my mind:  "Wow!  It looks like another election!"  Now, before I go any further, let me make sure you understand my point.  Personally, I am fine with the signs.  I think the church logo/community recognition is very important.  I think we should have 100 churches available to offer the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people who live near this intersection in my city.  There are enough people in my city to fill up all the churches several times over.  I am not against signs.  

I just wonder what the unchurched community thinks when they see all these signs, for four different churches, all on the same corner.  I really would love to know.  I hope they don't think it is like a political campaign; "Come to our church". "No, come to ours, we're better".  "We're right".  

I pray that they do not see this just like a continuation of the denominational divides we are trying to move past.  

What do you think they think?


Eric said...

wow. great point and great thought. love yard signs and branding but over exposers is a dangerous thing as well. My thought is that if a community only hears about a church from yards signs then they more than likely do not pay attention to those signs.

Josh Brown said...

I definitely think some folks might see them and think... wow... that's a lot of church signs... why so competitive.

But I think that most people don't even notice them. I think folks in this area, the Bible Belt, are almost numb to churches, and church signs. To them, and so many unbelievers I know, "christianity" to them, is boring... just churches and church signs.