Thursday, January 8, 2009

5 Things to do This Year

These are 5 things that I think make our lives lives and not just a passing of time that blurs day to day, week to week, til we can't remember what we did last month.

1.  Keep an eye on the world.  America is fluff.  We have it made.  We are spoiled and don't even have a clue as to how badly we are spoiled.  Realizing the tragic situations of many in the world around us, helps put in focus the blessings we have as well as keeps us active in trying to make things better for others.  The AJC did an article recently on the fact that women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive.  It's illegal.  The reality hit me; this isn't a recently discovered village in the remote jungles of Africa, it's a prosperous nation, technologically advanced, and it is illegal for women to drive!  How absurd?  I cut it out and put it on my wall as a reminder that I am free.

2.  Find good news and share it.  The media will rarely bring you good news.  Bad news makes headlines.  The more horrific, the bolder the print.  When was the last time the AJC headlines read, "47,000 Pastors in GA Serving God Faithfully & Not Having Affairs!"  ?  That doesn't happen.  But when one does fall, it will be reported.  So find the good and share it. Here's one; .  Share others.

3.  Learn something new.  use your brain.  There is so much to know and we have access to everything on the web!  So pick something, and learn about it.  If you don't want to commit to a long term project; a new language, or an online class, just google a subject and see what comes up.  Be fascinated.  God's creation is amazing.  Enjoy it!

4.Make a difference today.  God gave you this day.  He gave you HIS provision and HIS power; don't waste it!  Do something for someone.  Family, friend, or stranger, anyone will appreciate your kindness.  It may be huge; our God has unlimited resources.  It may be small; a cup of cold water in His name is noteworthy.  But do it.  Great current example, the 365 Club on Facebook.  Check it out.  One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite sappy movies comes from "While You Were Sleeping".  Sandra Bullock has this exchange with Peter Gallagher; 
"Every day you give up your seat on the train."
"That's not very heroic."
"It is to the person who sits there."

Be the hero. Make a difference.

5.  Twitter. Twitter is an absolutely marvelous way to keep in touch with friends and leaders that inspire you.  Not only is this a great way to stay connected to the lives of those you care about, but may live far from, but it is good for your health!  Twitter gives you the ability to share with everyone (you choose) what you are doing at that moment.  So, if you are in traffic with idiotic Atlanta drivers, you can twitter your thoughts about that driver, rather than resort to the use of sign language to let the driver know exactly what you think of their skill.  Tension relieved; road rage dispelled; church represented by the decal on your rear window maintains their reputation.  Humorous situations and ridiculous sightings that are shared on Twitter result in spontaneous laughter from those stuck in less than ideal situations.  Laughter has been proven to increase at least 27% the production of beta-endorphins in the brain, helping to alleviate depression and stress.  So, if you need a reason to twitter, there you have it.  It's proven to improve your health.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You are so amazing. I am going to try to do these things and if i'm already doing them...i'm going to try to do them more.