Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful: The First Ten

Pastor Ross asked us to write 10 things we are thankful for each day this week, so I decided to post mine here. Today's list is the obvious:

1. Jesus. how the Son of God could love, live, and die for someone like me is unexplainable and overwhelming.

2. My Family. the fact that we love each other (most days) and have awesome times together (most days) makes my life amazing.

3. My call. When I was 19, Tuesday night, SEU chapel, evening prayer time. I can still hear the voice, "I am the One who called you and your work will be with children". After that, I never have doubted my call.

4. My friends. I am blessed with many friends, and a several good friends, and an off-the-charts best friend. These people make me smile, laugh, cry, hurt, stretch, reach, and pray. And Kathy keeps me sane.

5. Momentum Church. I have attended and served in some wonderful churches, with wonderful people, but this place is like none I have ever been before. I am on the edge of my seat to see what God will do next here.

6. Camp Timberlake. This is my Neverland. Many, many memories and friendships have been made there. I have spent many hours working there, and 99% of those hours were laughing while we worked. (1% arguing with Pastor Jon over menus) Summers as a counselor, seeing kid's encounter God.....what could be better?

7. Missions trips. I and my kids have worked on some trips, local and foreign, that have let us see that God can use us to reach others, and that we are blessed beyond understanding.

8. Peace. In a world that is full of fear and uncertainty, I do not worry. That is priceless.

9. Joy. I laugh alot. That's good.

10. Coffee. no explanation needed.


Unknown said...

wow you got it , really blessed by you....

Stephanie said...

What are you talking about? We get along ALL the time. Ha ha. For real thought..Great first 10!