Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday's Ten Thanks

Tuesday is my Journey Group day. I look forward to it with much anticipation because of how intense the Spirit moves in this group. Today's list of things I'm thankful for have been prompted by our meetings, tonight included!

1. The Eagle Glen Crossing Journey Group This group of people have become family to me in just a few short months since I joined. How God has orchestrated this grouping of people; all with such different personalities, backgrounds, and giftings; to be together to grow and journey with each other is incredible . I do not exaggerate at all to say that I live in anticipation of what I will see God do every week in this group.

2. Prayer. To be able to commune with the amazing Creator of the universe and bring to Him our requests with the faith that He is concerned and willing to intervene is unexplainable.

3. My Pastor. Ross and Amie were at our Journey Group tonight. God has blessed our church with a pastor with a clear vision and a clear message. He is such an inspiration and encouragement to me.

4. Being able to read. Cindy mentioned tonight what a great percentage of the world's population can't read or afford to buy a book. I have 13 books sitting on my desk right now that I am anxious to read. Two of the books are borrowed, 11 I have bought in the last month.

5. Homemade cookies. At 11:35, I have just taken the last batch of gingerbread cookies out of the oven. I have food, not just to sustain my life, and that of my family, but I have an abundance. Cookies for my pleasure. Just because I want them. And Pastor Ross reminded us that every 7 seconds a child dies of starvation.....

6. My Bibles. I have several Bibles, 12 or 13, different versions and translations. I enjoy studying a passage, comparing translations and meanings. Many Christians in the world today are not allowed to own a Bible. I take mine for granted.

7. Musicians. That God gives some people the ability to sing and play instruments not to entertain others, but to bring honor and praise to Him, and bless others as they are doing that. I cannot imagine a world without music.

8. Shoes. At Journey Group, some people leave their shoes at the door. I am reminded in the cold weather, that many people, here in Cherokee county, as well as Atlanta, and the rest of the world, don't have shoes. None. At all.

9. My home. God has blessed us with a home that not only shelters my family from the physical elements of the weather (more than a huge part of the world can say) but a place where people can come and relax and be themselves. I love that.

10. Courage. I am not afraid of spiders.

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