Friday, November 21, 2008

Don't "Just Say"

Steph recently blogged about my often used instructions, "Don't just say". This week, I can't move past that as a Christ follower. So many times, I have made these statements: "Jesus died on the cross" or "God loves me just as I am" or "I am so blessed", which are all true statements, but I have said them so often that they just tumble out of my mouth, I "just say" them, and I don't allow myself the time to really comprehend what they mean in my life.

I challenge you. Read these. Slowly. And let your mind try and comprehend the truth in these statements. I have been overwhelmed by these this week. I can't get past them. When I pause and really reflect on these words, I am overcome with emotion; shame, awe, wonder, gratitude, and mostly just total humility that causes me to just want to fall on my face in His presence:

Jesus died on the cross. - God Himself , the Creator of all the universe, loves me, the self centered, self promoting, person that I am, enough to leave His glorious home in Heaven, and take a human body to allow it to be tortured and killed so that I can live in a relationship with Him forever.

God loves me just as I am - After He provided a way for me to have this relationship restored with Him, He still loves me when I, knowing full well the difference between what is right and wrong, still choose to do the wrong thing. I have, in effect, looked at Him and said, I don't care what you want and how much you paid for me, this is what I want. And He still loves me more than my human mind can comprehend.

We live in an instant everything world. Faster isn't fast enough. But, just for a few minutes; stop. Allow the reality of who you are and the reality of who He is really settle in your mind.

THINK about it. Don't just say.

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