Thursday, November 13, 2008

Do Something!!!

My heart sank this morning as I read the front page of yesterday's AJC. (yeah, yesterday's....still working on that schedule for my days...) There is an article about a denomiation that is severing relations with any church that is lead by a woman. Now, I'm not about arguing theology and new testament culture, I'm about people knowing Jesus. The fire of my heart these days is find any way to get people to Him. And just when I hope that we are having some influence in our world, this type of front page headline blasts the idea, "the church doesn't think woman are good enough". How many unchurched women are going to want to visit that church and check it out? It's just one more example of what the unchurched AJC readers will remember when they stereotype "churches" and "Christians".

So, today, I, and hopefully, you, have to do something. Anything that the Spirit leads us to do. But we have to step up and step out and find a way to show that the "Church", Christ's true followers, are about His business of loving God and loving others. So I challenge you. Stop thinking about it, or wishing for it, or waiting for the twitter from God saying "@yourname: go to the elementary school and read with the kids that can't read." Just Do Something!!!


Stephanie said...

Wow. No wonder people have a hard time with "christians".Nothing like showing Christ's love!

Barbara said...

it's just that those are the types of things that make headlines. I'm sure that same congregation has done great things for the community, but that doesn't make headlines. So we have to be ever more intentional about the love we show!!