Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Fifth Ten

This is the last day of our assignment to list 10 things a day that you are thankful for. These are the little things, the desires of my heart, or just blessings that I enjoy:

1. My 50+ coffee cups. Because most of them have been gifts and I think of the person that gave it to me, or the place I was visiting when I bought it.

2. My Tigger collection. He's the original A.D.D. character and the one I have most identified with through the years. Again, most of the ones I have, were given to me by friends.

3. The trees. My only complaint about moving to Bridgemill 7 years ago was the homes are so close together and you have no privacy. God hand in the timing of our moved allowed us to have a lot that had trees in the back. I can sit in my den and look out at the trees. It may be a trivial thing to many people, but I love it.

4. The pictures that kids have made me. I have pictures hanging on the bulletin board and on my desk that kids from church have drawn for me. They make my heart melt.

5. The many albums of pictures of my family. I can look through these are remember many good times of traveling, or being with friends.

6. Dark chocolate. any kind. it's just good.

7. Cookbooks. I love them. I have many. I can't live long enough to try all the recipes I have!

8. Shopping with my daughters. (especially the day after Thanksgiving) great times, great memories, thankful that they spend time with me!

9. Twitter. Sharing laughs and life with people I care about; too much fun!!!

10. The coffee pot upstairs. In the winter, I can wake up to the sound of the coffee making and I don't have to stumble down stairs for the first cup, or pot, of coffee.

Thankful for People

While thinking about the people in my life that I am thankful for, beyond my amazing family and friends, I remembered a podcast I had heard from Pastor Ross about how we can treat people like scenery in our lives. I listened to it again Wednesday morning, and spent most of yesterday thinking about these people I am thankful for, but rarely, if ever, tell them. This is the list I made:

1. The Publix Employees. They are always helpful and pleasant.

2. The tellers at Wachovia. Great customer service.

3. Mo & the boys at Anderson Car Wash. Love his accent, "You will laaavvee it".

4. The Riverstone Postal Workers. I hate this place, the lines are always long, but the employees are always nice and very patient.

5. The Firemen and Policemen near Bridgemill. They are always there. Rarely have we needed their services, but everyday I drive by the station and they are there; in case I do.

6. The Kroger Employees. There are two cashiers that make my day here.

7. The Honda Service Team. I love getting my oil changed! They make it so pleasant!

8. The Family Christian Store employees. They help me find my books!

9. Denise at the ProShop. She is patient and encouraging with my sporadic attempts to better my golf game.

10. Starbucks employees. The new Starbucks opened this year. I am VERY grateful for them!

I started to make them some cookies, but decided to wait. A lot of people do that this time of year. I made a note in my calendar for the first week of February. I want to keep the "gratitude attitude" throughout the year.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday's Ten Thanks

Tuesday is my Journey Group day. I look forward to it with much anticipation because of how intense the Spirit moves in this group. Today's list of things I'm thankful for have been prompted by our meetings, tonight included!

1. The Eagle Glen Crossing Journey Group This group of people have become family to me in just a few short months since I joined. How God has orchestrated this grouping of people; all with such different personalities, backgrounds, and giftings; to be together to grow and journey with each other is incredible . I do not exaggerate at all to say that I live in anticipation of what I will see God do every week in this group.

2. Prayer. To be able to commune with the amazing Creator of the universe and bring to Him our requests with the faith that He is concerned and willing to intervene is unexplainable.

3. My Pastor. Ross and Amie were at our Journey Group tonight. God has blessed our church with a pastor with a clear vision and a clear message. He is such an inspiration and encouragement to me.

4. Being able to read. Cindy mentioned tonight what a great percentage of the world's population can't read or afford to buy a book. I have 13 books sitting on my desk right now that I am anxious to read. Two of the books are borrowed, 11 I have bought in the last month.

5. Homemade cookies. At 11:35, I have just taken the last batch of gingerbread cookies out of the oven. I have food, not just to sustain my life, and that of my family, but I have an abundance. Cookies for my pleasure. Just because I want them. And Pastor Ross reminded us that every 7 seconds a child dies of starvation.....

6. My Bibles. I have several Bibles, 12 or 13, different versions and translations. I enjoy studying a passage, comparing translations and meanings. Many Christians in the world today are not allowed to own a Bible. I take mine for granted.

7. Musicians. That God gives some people the ability to sing and play instruments not to entertain others, but to bring honor and praise to Him, and bless others as they are doing that. I cannot imagine a world without music.

8. Shoes. At Journey Group, some people leave their shoes at the door. I am reminded in the cold weather, that many people, here in Cherokee county, as well as Atlanta, and the rest of the world, don't have shoes. None. At all.

9. My home. God has blessed us with a home that not only shelters my family from the physical elements of the weather (more than a huge part of the world can say) but a place where people can come and relax and be themselves. I love that.

10. Courage. I am not afraid of spiders.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanks from the other side of 50

So I have been past the 50 mark one week as of today. I thought I should share what I am thankful for in light of reaching that milestone. In keeping with Pastor Ross' challenge, here are my 10 reasons I am thankful, now that I am 50:

1. Getting there. I have attended funerals of friends my age. I am grateful for the years God has given me.

2. Hindsight. I can look back at many times in my life when circumstances were not unfolding like I thought they should and see that it was God's hand that arranged as He knew it should.

3. My health. If you don't count the extra 15 pounds (I'm working on that) I need to lose, I am healthy. I can see, hear, talk (a lot), smell, run (a short distance), walk, breathe, sleep, and eat as I please.

4. Respect. As a woman, I realize that there are many countries, and even parts of the US where women have little or no value as a person; and the older, the less useful, so even less respected. I appreciate the respect given to me, simply because I am older. I feel valued, not disregarded.

5. Choices. I do what I want to do.

6. Ipods and podcasts. itunes downloading on my ipod is a far cry from holding a microphone from my cassette player in front of the am radio to record Donny Osmond singing "Puppy Love".

7. Boneless chicken breast. When I was young, my job was to cut up the chicken for dinner. Dismembering a whole chicken is one of the worst, and most reoccurring events of my young life.

8. Microsoft Word. Typing a letter on a typewriter was, at best tedious. Each mistake was carefully erased, then came the impossible task of spacing the lines back so that the next letter was in the correct position. Good luck!

9. Weedeaters. These are so much better than the grass clippers I had to use to edge around the mailbox, trees and flower beds.

10. Honda s2000. At 50, seldom do more than one of my kids want/need to ride anywhere with me at a time. For the last 23 years, I have driven tanks to accomodate my family, and did so gladly. But there is nothing like 74 degrees, top down, music up, shifting into 6th gear.......

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful: The First Ten

Pastor Ross asked us to write 10 things we are thankful for each day this week, so I decided to post mine here. Today's list is the obvious:

1. Jesus. how the Son of God could love, live, and die for someone like me is unexplainable and overwhelming.

2. My Family. the fact that we love each other (most days) and have awesome times together (most days) makes my life amazing.

3. My call. When I was 19, Tuesday night, SEU chapel, evening prayer time. I can still hear the voice, "I am the One who called you and your work will be with children". After that, I never have doubted my call.

4. My friends. I am blessed with many friends, and a several good friends, and an off-the-charts best friend. These people make me smile, laugh, cry, hurt, stretch, reach, and pray. And Kathy keeps me sane.

5. Momentum Church. I have attended and served in some wonderful churches, with wonderful people, but this place is like none I have ever been before. I am on the edge of my seat to see what God will do next here.

6. Camp Timberlake. This is my Neverland. Many, many memories and friendships have been made there. I have spent many hours working there, and 99% of those hours were laughing while we worked. (1% arguing with Pastor Jon over menus) Summers as a counselor, seeing kid's encounter God.....what could be better?

7. Missions trips. I and my kids have worked on some trips, local and foreign, that have let us see that God can use us to reach others, and that we are blessed beyond understanding.

8. Peace. In a world that is full of fear and uncertainty, I do not worry. That is priceless.

9. Joy. I laugh alot. That's good.

10. Coffee. no explanation needed.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Don't "Just Say"

Steph recently blogged about my often used instructions, "Don't just say". This week, I can't move past that as a Christ follower. So many times, I have made these statements: "Jesus died on the cross" or "God loves me just as I am" or "I am so blessed", which are all true statements, but I have said them so often that they just tumble out of my mouth, I "just say" them, and I don't allow myself the time to really comprehend what they mean in my life.

I challenge you. Read these. Slowly. And let your mind try and comprehend the truth in these statements. I have been overwhelmed by these this week. I can't get past them. When I pause and really reflect on these words, I am overcome with emotion; shame, awe, wonder, gratitude, and mostly just total humility that causes me to just want to fall on my face in His presence:

Jesus died on the cross. - God Himself , the Creator of all the universe, loves me, the self centered, self promoting, person that I am, enough to leave His glorious home in Heaven, and take a human body to allow it to be tortured and killed so that I can live in a relationship with Him forever.

God loves me just as I am - After He provided a way for me to have this relationship restored with Him, He still loves me when I, knowing full well the difference between what is right and wrong, still choose to do the wrong thing. I have, in effect, looked at Him and said, I don't care what you want and how much you paid for me, this is what I want. And He still loves me more than my human mind can comprehend.

We live in an instant everything world. Faster isn't fast enough. But, just for a few minutes; stop. Allow the reality of who you are and the reality of who He is really settle in your mind.

THINK about it. Don't just say.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Do Something!!!

My heart sank this morning as I read the front page of yesterday's AJC. (yeah, yesterday's....still working on that schedule for my days...) There is an article about a denomiation that is severing relations with any church that is lead by a woman. Now, I'm not about arguing theology and new testament culture, I'm about people knowing Jesus. The fire of my heart these days is find any way to get people to Him. And just when I hope that we are having some influence in our world, this type of front page headline blasts the idea, "the church doesn't think woman are good enough". How many unchurched women are going to want to visit that church and check it out? It's just one more example of what the unchurched AJC readers will remember when they stereotype "churches" and "Christians".

So, today, I, and hopefully, you, have to do something. Anything that the Spirit leads us to do. But we have to step up and step out and find a way to show that the "Church", Christ's true followers, are about His business of loving God and loving others. So I challenge you. Stop thinking about it, or wishing for it, or waiting for the twitter from God saying "@yourname: go to the elementary school and read with the kids that can't read." Just Do Something!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Choosing a Perspective

It seems to me that how we view the people around us is completely dependent on our chosen perspective. Especially if those people aren't wired just like us. For example, we can choose to say that someone is:

Narrow-minded. Only looking after their own concerns.
or that they are
Focused. They are dedicated to their task at hand.

We can say that someone is:

Rigid. Only want things done their way.
Organized. They have a process for accomplishing things.

We can say someone is:

Distracted. Unable to see a project to completion.
Multitasking. Accomplishing so many things at once.

Someone who is A.D.D. may be functioning in a very fluid creativity! Or the person who is alway cheerful isn't clueless to reality, they just trust the Lord. It is up to us to choose to view people as the Lord created them and the see the best in them.

"Accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory." Romans 15:7

How will you choose?

Monday, November 10, 2008

two things

Crazy day, lots of things I want/need to do and time will not slow down so I can get it done. Two notes from today:

First, I have made another discovery that will no doubt rock the scientific world soon. (if you missed my earlier discovery, check out the cause of ADD, posted last has to be true)
Dirty towels must have a sex life. Proof: the ever growing pile of towels in the laundry room. I wash one load, and when I go back to take them from the dryer, 2 more loads are in that same place. And evidence seems to indicate that clean towels do not have the same abilities, proven by the lack of clean towels in the linen closet.

Secondly, the place I find myself in today, as far as my life, ministry, etc. goes, and the place where, three years ago, I thought/hoped I would be at this time, are almost polar opposites.

And I love it.

So glad God is putting me where He knows I should be and I am not in control!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Weekend Top Five

So here are my top five thoughts, discoveries, or quotes from the weekend:

5. Note to self: if you are in a 5K at a place called Town Lake Hills, don't be surprised when you spend all your time going up and down. Fortunately, the course did not involve navigating the lake as well.

4. Josh Brown is still the most amazing balloon animal creator on the planet! The longest lines at Woodstock's KidFest were for his balloons.

3. Charred marshmallows are the best.

2. Kids are way more fun than their parents, most days.

1. No matter how old they are or how many times they leave on trips, I will cry every time one of my children leaves for more than one week.

May you week be adventurous and your coffee smooth!!!