Monday, February 16, 2009

Love is Patient, Even on Mondays!

So, following my Sunday "love" challenge, I have spent much of today with the word "Patient" floating around in the back my mind.  This morning, I did just some basic research; I got out the dictionary.  I all ready had this sneaking suspicion that this was going to be more than just a week's devotion material.  I imagined that  to look at the scope of these verses in 1 Corinthians 13 would, at best, challenge me to love at a new level, and, at worst, cause me to slink away from my desk shameful that I have ever said that I have the "love of Christ" in me.  So, I didn't get the concordance, or Bible commentaries.  Let's go with something a bit easier to start off.  I got the dictionary.  

I haven't read the biography of Noah Webster, but I think I will be adding it to my list.  He has to be a preacher, son of a preacher, or something religious.  This is what he says about being  patient:
"from Latin, pati- to suffer".  "from Greek, pema- suffering"
ok, all ready I have had enough, but he continues,
"1. bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
  2. manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
  3. not hasty or impetuous
  4. steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity."

So, key words here are:  pains, trials, provocation, strain, opposition, difficulty and adversity.

None of those are on my "Happy Word of the Day" calendar.  Where is the definition that says if you are patient you smile if you have to wait in line at Starbucks?  I can do that.  And it doesn't involve pain, trials, strain....etc.  So, I suppose that means that if I truly want to love, I am going to have to deal with those key words.  And deal with them using the other key words, calmly, without complaint, forbearing, steadfast.  

Monday's choice:  Happy Word of the Day Calendar or Patient?

What do you choose?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

wow, mom. that's really compelling. I definitely need to reevaluate myself and how 'patient' I am in my life.