Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Weekend of Love

What a great weekend. Valentine's Day. I got cash and chocolate. 2 of the 3 necessi-C's of life! And I all ready have plenty of coffee, the 3rd "C", so, pretty much, life is as good as it gets on Valentine's Day! Of course, you can't get through the weekend talking about love, without thinking back on 1 Corinthians 13. So, I thought, what better way to end my weekend than to read those flowing, soothing, verses of harmony and peaceful living? I gathered two pieces of chocolate, a fresh cup of coffee, and settled down with my Bible open to page 1949. It all starts so nice, "Love is patient, love is kind..." but as I read, I found I couldn't just skim through those familiar verses as usual. In fact, I had a hard time getting past the first line. Patient. I'm a fairly patient person, most days. And I try to be kind. As the verses go on, I linger on these words, not jealous, boastful, proud, rude, keeping no record of wrongs, never gives up, never loses faith, hopes and endures. So, what I thought would be a soothing ending to my Sunday, has stirred a compelling to look at these verses every day this week and see what they look like lived out in my day, in my house, in my family.  I plan to look at these verses and try to absorb what they mean in real life.

I'll post my thoughts each day. I'd love to hear yours, too.

I hope your Valentine's Day was a good one.

I hope you know you are loved, not just at Valentine's Day, but every day.

And, this week, I hope to make sure I am loving like I should be. God's way.

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