Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Would Switch to Decaf, But....

According to the 2008 CIA World Fact Book, I can expect to live until I am 80.97 years old.   That puts my funeral at Dec. 20, 2038.  (I guess I will miss Christmas that year.  Rats.  I like Christmas.)  I had plans for today that were suddenly changed this morning.  So, with the unexpected, and rare, unappointed morning hours, I began to think of what I should do.  Or could do.  Or wanted to do.  And the more I thought, the more I realized that I have so many "do-s", I probably don't have enough days for all those "do-s".  Here are some of the thoughts that I have contemplated this morning:  

I love to cook.  But recently,  looking at my collection of 75+ cookbooks, I decided to go through them, try what looked good, and then pass them on.  Ok, that means if I could use 1 entire cookbook a week, it will take until August 2010 before I can get through them all.  And most of my days would be spent cooking.  But I can't cook all day, because I also need to:

Read.  I love reading.  My 13 "read next" books on my desk are looming.  I have some on my computer.  If, while I am cooking all day, I can read two a week, by April, I will be ready to start on my bookshelf books, and whatever new ones have come out since then.  Perhaps after reading while I cook, I can:

Write.  I have 3 books started on my computer.  People who have known me a while and know about these keep asking.."How's the writing coming"....Well, I'm thinking about it.  Writing is time consuming, too. You see, right now I'm trying to cook, and read, and..

Teach.  I really, really love teaching the kids.  So, between cooking and reading that writing, I can plan my lessons, and games, and do my followup, and recruit, and encourage volunteers,  and besides that, I have these....

Dreams.  To travel to some of the beautiful places that God created.  To get to hike and white water kayak in (exotic) Idaho.  And then, of course, the ultimate dreams, to have a clean house, and the yard to look nice....and who doesn't dare the dream that you could open your garage door  without embarrassment.

Lord, I just need to ask for an extension.  I just don't see all this happening by 2038.   

And Stacie thinks I should switch to decaf.

1 comment:

Joseph and Stacie said...


:) love this btw.