Saturday, January 24, 2009

I was running some errands this afternoon and saw some things that I can't get out of my mind.  At the intersection about a mile from my house, there were these signs, like the "for sale" or "yard sale" signs you put out in the yard.  But these signs were for churches.  Four of them. And this thought flew through my mind:  "Wow!  It looks like another election!"  Now, before I go any further, let me make sure you understand my point.  Personally, I am fine with the signs.  I think the church logo/community recognition is very important.  I think we should have 100 churches available to offer the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people who live near this intersection in my city.  There are enough people in my city to fill up all the churches several times over.  I am not against signs.  

I just wonder what the unchurched community thinks when they see all these signs, for four different churches, all on the same corner.  I really would love to know.  I hope they don't think it is like a political campaign; "Come to our church". "No, come to ours, we're better".  "We're right".  

I pray that they do not see this just like a continuation of the denominational divides we are trying to move past.  

What do you think they think?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Old Friends

Spent most of the day talking
with some old friends about
ideas for JumpStart Kid's.

It was a GOOD day.

It's nice having friends that understand your
perspective...and your jokes.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting the Splinter Out

From time to time when I was a kid, I would get a splinter in my finger.  I am, and have always been, a wimp when it comes to tolerating pain.  Splinters were a big deal.  Not only because they hurt on their way into my skin, but it hurt again when you took them out.  Consequently, I would not tell when I had one, and would just wait to see if, perhaps, it would just work itself out.  It never did.  Why did I keep hoping, the next time I had a splinter, that this one would go away by itself?  I really, really was a wimp.  I could usually make it several days before I would have to address the situation.  I would be careful not to use that finger, or let it brush up against anything, and sometimes, even forget that it was there for a time.  But, inevitably, I would pick something up, and the quick, sharp sting would make me draw back, look at the puffy red spot and sigh.  It was still there.  And it still hurt.

After a couple of days, it would be really swollen, and sore, and my dad would see it.  I dreaded hearing his voice.  "Come here.  Let me fix that."  I would slink towards him, holding the splintered finger tight in my other fist, telling my dad, "No, it will hurt."  He would just take my hand, and using his pocket knife, carefully pull back the skin and pull out the splinter.  I'm not sure what hurt more, the sight of his knife or the tenderness of the neglected sight.  But I know that it did hurt, but only for a moment.  Then it was over.  All the pain would go away and I could do whatever I needed to with that hand without reservation.

The Lord has called me this week about my "splinter".  It's not a big thing.  Just a little bit of discord.  And I can serve Him and minister without noticing it; most days.  But if I am going give 100%, all out, go for it, living the adventure, following the Spirit life, I need to get rid of that splinter.  He called me this week.  I heard Him.  I didn't want to show Him or let Him remove it.  Am I so spiritually childish that I would rather hurt than let Him take it out?   I have been.  But, I can't live that way.  So He took it.  It hurt.  Mostly because I held it so long.  But now all the pain is gone.

Do you have a splinter?  It wont go away by itself.

Let your Father take it out.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Gotta Have a Plan

I like having a plan.  Usually, I have several plans.  Plan A, B, C, & D.  Just in case.  That comes from several years of doing events that don't always go just as you had imagined in the planning stage.  Sound systems sometimes fail.  Computer links sometimes fail.  And, for all your well laid planning, an event may not go as you have originally planned.  But it will go; for better or worse, it will go on.  I have been known to say, "Let's just start with Plan B, because that is where we will end up anyway!"

But, fortunately, for our lives, God has The Plan.  And His Plan is always an A Plan.  Our part is to follow His direction and live in that Plan and enjoy His blessing and fellowship through every part of our life, the good days and the bad days, the ups and the downs, the clear path and the clouded path.   I am so thankful that God has planned my life.  The older I am, the easier it is to rest in that knowledge and watch that plan unfold.   This week, joining the staff at Momentum Church, is a part of His Plan that I could have never foreseen or orchestrated.  It is so far from what I would have imagined or thought just a few years ago.  I had plans for the future, ideas of where my ministry would lead me.  And not that those plans were bad.  We need plans.  We need goals.  We need directions to focus our days.  Without those, we tend to flounder and float aimlessly, accomplishing little, affecting less.  But, I like the way Mark Batterson said it in, "In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day," 
"I'm not saying we shouldn't make plans.  But you might want to use a pencil with an eraser and have a shredder handy."

I'm making more plans.  But I have my eraser in hand and I'm listening closely for the Spirit's leading.  I want my A Plan to match His A Plan, too.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just Thinking About It.....Really Thinking....

I had to do some accounting for my husband's business this morning. I hate numbers. So, I had my itunes up and the song, Smelling Coffee, by Chris Rice started. I remembered how much I like this song. First, he's smelling coffee. That is a good start. I love to wake up to the smell of coffee. That's why I have a coffee pot in my bathroom. Best alarm clock ever. I digress...

But, this part of the song, always, I mean, ALWAYS, makes my heart jump:

I wake up, my past is gone
Cause Your mercy's new with the morning sun
I'm forgiven, I'm free, its a brand new day
Cause Your faithfulness is the greatest (hey!)

Stop and think about the reality of that small past is gone.
Gone. All the things I didn't get right yesterday are gone.
I'm forgiven, FORGIVEN!!! Free!!!
If I let the magnitude of those small but HUGE words in my spirit, I can't help but be excited.

Plus, it's a catchy beat, and again, it's got that coffee part going for it.....

Check it out. Smell the Coffee!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Truth or Tangent?

I often spend several hours a day driving.  To redeem my time, I subscribe to about 10 different podcasts of pastors around the country that I enjoy.  They come from a wide variety of backgrounds and have some very unique styles.  I enjoy hearing God's Word.  I enjoy the encouragement and the challenges that It brings to me.  But last Friday I heard a message from the Sermon on the Mount that I don't know that I believe.  That startled me.  And challenged me to rethink and restudy what I believe regarding what Jesus was teaching.  I haven't reached my verdict yet.  I will research it this week and decide.  

Since then I have wondered how many people just take whatever is presented to them as truth, without weighing it against the rest of God's Word?  We can't be mindless.  We should think about what is put before us and make sure it's truth before we accept it and act on that teaching.  

To the other extreme, we can't just close out any presentation of the Word that doesn't match what we all ready believe.   

2 Timothy 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

5 Things to do This Year

These are 5 things that I think make our lives lives and not just a passing of time that blurs day to day, week to week, til we can't remember what we did last month.

1.  Keep an eye on the world.  America is fluff.  We have it made.  We are spoiled and don't even have a clue as to how badly we are spoiled.  Realizing the tragic situations of many in the world around us, helps put in focus the blessings we have as well as keeps us active in trying to make things better for others.  The AJC did an article recently on the fact that women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive.  It's illegal.  The reality hit me; this isn't a recently discovered village in the remote jungles of Africa, it's a prosperous nation, technologically advanced, and it is illegal for women to drive!  How absurd?  I cut it out and put it on my wall as a reminder that I am free.

2.  Find good news and share it.  The media will rarely bring you good news.  Bad news makes headlines.  The more horrific, the bolder the print.  When was the last time the AJC headlines read, "47,000 Pastors in GA Serving God Faithfully & Not Having Affairs!"  ?  That doesn't happen.  But when one does fall, it will be reported.  So find the good and share it. Here's one; .  Share others.

3.  Learn something new.  use your brain.  There is so much to know and we have access to everything on the web!  So pick something, and learn about it.  If you don't want to commit to a long term project; a new language, or an online class, just google a subject and see what comes up.  Be fascinated.  God's creation is amazing.  Enjoy it!

4.Make a difference today.  God gave you this day.  He gave you HIS provision and HIS power; don't waste it!  Do something for someone.  Family, friend, or stranger, anyone will appreciate your kindness.  It may be huge; our God has unlimited resources.  It may be small; a cup of cold water in His name is noteworthy.  But do it.  Great current example, the 365 Club on Facebook.  Check it out.  One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite sappy movies comes from "While You Were Sleeping".  Sandra Bullock has this exchange with Peter Gallagher; 
"Every day you give up your seat on the train."
"That's not very heroic."
"It is to the person who sits there."

Be the hero. Make a difference.

5.  Twitter. Twitter is an absolutely marvelous way to keep in touch with friends and leaders that inspire you.  Not only is this a great way to stay connected to the lives of those you care about, but may live far from, but it is good for your health!  Twitter gives you the ability to share with everyone (you choose) what you are doing at that moment.  So, if you are in traffic with idiotic Atlanta drivers, you can twitter your thoughts about that driver, rather than resort to the use of sign language to let the driver know exactly what you think of their skill.  Tension relieved; road rage dispelled; church represented by the decal on your rear window maintains their reputation.  Humorous situations and ridiculous sightings that are shared on Twitter result in spontaneous laughter from those stuck in less than ideal situations.  Laughter has been proven to increase at least 27% the production of beta-endorphins in the brain, helping to alleviate depression and stress.  So, if you need a reason to twitter, there you have it.  It's proven to improve your health.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My New Year's Wish

Ok, I have said it myself at least 50 times in the last 24 hours.  Happy New Year.  But when I stop and think about it, that's not really what I want to wish for you.  Not that I want you to have an Unhappy New Year, but I wish this year to bring you (and me):

Difficult Days:  that will develop your perseverance in a world that seeks ease.
Hard Decisions:  that will cause you to live your true values and be a role model for those around you.
Desperate Situations:  that will keep you dependent on God and leave no room for self sufficiency

but that's not all I would wish.  
Along with those, I would wish you:

Unprecedented Vision:  eyes to see opportunities that the Creator puts in your path to cause your life to make a difference every day.
Unlimited Courage:  the boldness to go after that life on a new level because a vision without the courage to act on it is misery.  
Perfect Peace:  in a world of uncertainty and fear, may your life be marked by the "peace that passes understanding" that only our Lord has the ability to give.

I suppose what I really would like to wish you is Joy.  Joy is a deep contentment and inward rejoicing in knowing that regardless of the outward situation or emotion of the moment, our God is not only in control, but actively ordering the steps of your life.

What if we had that kind of year?  Can you imagine the excitement in our lives? There will be some hard and painful days. But few things of value come easily.  I have never heard anyone who had exercised and dieted and lost 50 pounds say that in retrospect, it was just too hard.  No one wishes that they hadn't put out the effort, dealt with the pain, and developed the control to lose the weight.  It is hard.  It is painful.  But, it's worth it! 

Let's live a year that's worth it!

I wish you a Joyful New Year!