Sunday, July 19, 2009

Top Ten Proofs You Had a Great Vacation

Ok, here are my top 10 ways of know that I did indeed have a great vacation:

10.  Mounds of laundry:  despite the fact that there was a washer & dryer available, I still came home with mountains of laundry to do.  Wishing that verse about speaking to the mountain and it being cast in the sea would apply here.....

9.  Nail polish is still smooth:  only on vacation can you apply nail polish on Monday and by Saturday still be able to display your hands publicly without embarrassment.  

8.  A new fitness goal:  you have read enough women's magazines that you are convinced that you can indeed attain the fitness goals that you set 8 years ago and also believe that you will stick with it this time.....

7.  You have tan lines:  a great vacation provides perfect weather, enough that you can easily see your tan lines.  Of course, the older I am, the wider the lines.  :)    Also, contributes to the acquiring of #8....

6.  Sand is everywhere:  When returning from a great vacation, you will continue to find sand in every crevice and cranny of your belongs, including your toothpaste tube, even though it never went to the beach.....

5.  You now need "W" shoes:  it's been so long since your feet were in closed toe shoes that the bone structure in your toes has shifted and it is impossible to pry your feet back into the shoes you wore to work before vacation.  

4.  You cannot remember the day of the week:  waking each morning brings with it the challenge of determining what day of the week it really is.   At least 20-30 minutes can be devoted to trying to recall exactly how long you have been on vacation & how much time remains.

3.  Ice cream is considered an entree:  on the best vacations, ice cream is easily converted to an entree slot on the menu rather than dessert.  If you are really in extreme vacation mode, you proudly twitpic the meal for everyone to see.  

2.  Weight gain:  a truly great vacation results in noticeable weight gain by the return trip home.  Now this gain can not be technically verified, that would require the use of a scale, which, is not allowed on any vacation, much less a great one.  However, this gain is noted in the fit of the clothes, which seem to be a bit snug towards the end of the week.  Please note:  this could be caused by the extreme heat of the dryer in#10, but more likely by the presence of #3, and either way, again contributes to the decision of #8.

1.  And, the very best proof that you had a great vacation is that you finally drag yourself home, too late to get groceries or cook dinner, so you have to order pizza for the last meal of the vacation travel day on your arrival.  

I have had a great vacation and would love to share more, but I have to go eat my pizza...... 

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