Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pleading My Case & Helping My Friends

Ok, so this post has a two-fold purpose.

First, to show that Twitter is a viable resource and networking spot.  Some people I know think it's still just all about sharing where you are today and what you're having for lunch.  Those of us who KNOW better, always look for chances to prove our point. And I believe the #kidmin community does this whole networking thing better than anyone,  so that is my chance to prove it.  If you responded to this from my tweet, it helps prove my point.  But I have to have a way to show that you did respond.  So...

Secondly, my friends from the Anthems band, see the previous post if you missed it, are trying to get their first album recorded.  In order to do so, it takes money and I'm trying to help them raise that.  Now, don't leave me yet!  What I'm going to do is give away $100 Amazon (or other if preferred) gift card, from me, here on this site, regardless of the number of people who enter.  So, if I only get 2 entrees, one of those two will win the $100.  No minimum.  But, I HOPE to have way more than 2, or 10.  Again, to prove a point.  That 100 investment can bring more than 10 responses through twitter.

This is how you enter:  The guys have set up a way to donate $10 which gets you a copy of the album when it's finished (scheduled for Jan 2013).  Basically, it's pre-buying the album.  If you will go to their link below and do that,  donate the $10, I will put your name in the drawing.

And, you can get an extra entry by tweeting this:

"I pre-bought the @Anthems album & may get $100 for doing it  http://bit.ly/pe1xBt "

This is their Facebook page:  Go there to the link to donate.  And you could "like" their page while you're there, too!


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