Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Little Secret & a Money-Back Guarantee!

So, for the last few days I have tweeted and facebooked about this new band, Anthems, that has been formed by some of the guys in our worship band at Momentum Church.  Now everyone knows that a friend helps a friend, and so if a new band is forming, friends are usually obligated to promote their cause.

Well, forget that.  This is far from that.  These guys are amazingly talented.  They are four of the most gifted musicians I have ever heard.  Seriously.  But then, there are lots of talented musicians in the world who make music.  So, what makes this group different?  I think it's the heart that they share to simply bring glory to God.  Their music is powerful and anointed.  If you have been in a worship service at Momentum, you know what I mean.

So, here's my deal to you.  These guys are in the pre-recording stage.  It takes money up front to get this recording done, and this is where you can help, and I'll guarantee you will be glad you did.

Go to their Facebook page, check out some of the videos they're sharing, and then check out their $100 gift card giveaway.  If you donate $10, you will get a copy of the record when it's released, and a chance at the gift card.

My guarantee:  If you donate this week, by Saturday, the 15th, and you aren't happy with the music when you get it, I'll give you your $10 back myself.

They are that good.

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