Saturday, September 29, 2012

Celebrating Heros: Chipper & More.. Much More

You know I'm a Braves fan.  And you know that I am as sentimental as any over this being Chipper's last year.  It has been fun watching him play with all the amazing talent that he has, in the good years and the not-so-good years of Braves baseball.  Stephanie was the Chipper fan when she was young, while Stacie wore the Lopez jersey, so it was even more special since the girls were into the Braves, too.  As I watched the farewell ceremony last night prior to the game, my eyes teared up more than once and I was jealous of those in the stadium who got to celebrate in person and thank him for his loyalty and entertainment.  I have tickets for the game Sunday afternoon, purchased in case this last regular season game at home would turn out to be his last game at Turner field.  I wanted to be there.  I wanted to be able to clap and cheer and say "thanks".

This morning, in the back of my  head, I'm contemplating making a sign to take to the game.  What can I say that would be camera-worthy and get noticed and maybe get on the big screen?  That would be awesome!  And in mid-thought, this question came to mind:

"Have you ever gone to a fraction of this much thought or trouble to thank those who have made a life long impact on your kids?"

Ouch.  I don't think there is anything wrong with celebrating a phenomenally talented Braves player.  We have enjoyed his entertainment.  But, honestly, that's all it was.  Entertainment.  Have I ever taken time to say thank you for those who have invested their lives into my children and made a lasting impression on them?

Do I have to answer that?

So, mid-Saturday morning, I'm stopping here to make a small step in that direction.  There are some people who have poured into my children's lives, and today, I'm thinking particularly of the girls.  I need to say thanks:

Eric Gordon:  you have been the big brother to them both, and the spiritual mentor to Steph that goes beyond human understanding.  I'm thankful God put you in our lives back in Neverland and that you are now part of our family.  There are not words in the English language that express how grateful I am and what you mean to me or them.

Sheldon and Cassie Sundell:  you were the youth pastors that led my girls through the hardest part of their spiritual lives as well as those lovely teenage years.  I can't thank God enough for leading you to Smyrna.  The fact that you are still some of Stacie's dearest friends speaks more than I can say about the influence you have had on her life.  Thank you for your years, for your love, for the tears, for all you endured, and the way that you lived that has been such an impression on them.

Matt Wilkie:  you led Steph into a journey with Convoy of Hope that forever changed her persepective on life, on missions and on serving others.  And though your time of leading officially was only for that summer, you have forever changed the course of her life.  Thank you for using your life to shape the lives and hearts of interns; especially Steph's.

I don't have banners to wave.  30,000 people will not gather in a stadium today to applaud you.
But I know the angels of Heaven, along with my Father, will agree with me today.

Thank you!

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