Sunday, March 8, 2009

Would You Do It For One?

I did a lot of driving again this weekend, and, for a change, didn't listen to my podcasts, but just thought.  About a lot of things.  Driving back to Canton from Columbus, I reflected on some ministry undertakings that have failed.  I remember the excitement of starting a new outreach, that was sure to bring many new children and families to our church.  But, instead, it brought 3. 3 kids, not even 3 families.  I felt like I had failed at the time.  But this weekend I was reminded of how valuable one life is, and that if all the efforts and plans were spent to reach hundreds, but only reached one, was it worth it?  Was it worth the time.  Was it worth the planning?  Can I say I will work to reach 25, but not 5?  My efforts are worth 30 but not 3?  

This weekend I was reminded on the value of one.  One life, brought to the Savior.  And now, that one, bringing others.  God, I am so humbled that you let me be a part of that one life.  The tears I choked back driving home told me my answer.

I would do it for one.

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