Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ping, Ping, Ping!!!!

This past week I decided that I was mentally-challenged.  Some of my friends  have thought that for years!  But that's not how I meant that.  I was challenged mentally, to try and keep up with all the thoughts, ideas and insanity that was flying through my mind, especially concerning all the upcoming events, changes and developments with the children's programs at Momentum Church. It has been an exciting week, but almost too exciting.   While working on one idea, 3 more would shoot through my thoughts, so I would jot them on a side note, and try and go back to the original idea, only to be sidetracked by 2 more tangents from there.  All these notes, tangents, ideas, and possibilities made me feel like my head might explode at any moment!  

The best way I could explain it to Steph was that my ideas felt like Ricochet Rabbit bouncing from side to side in my head.  This began a saddening of spirit as I realized that she, along with almost everyone I know, is too young to remember Ricochet Rabbit.  Back in the day, this was the type of television I watched.  Cartoons only came on Saturday morning.  It didn't teach anything.  No numbers, shapes, colors, or foreign language.  Just funny, at least it was to a 6 year old.   

So, if you are interested in what my brain was doing last week, you can watch this.  It's long.  6 minutes.  No interaction.  No redeeming value.  But may have been where I got the first concept that you should have your coffee all day long....... actually, it could explain a lot.  :-)

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