Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just have one things to say today.

You better get a seat belt, strap in, and hold on.

It's about to be a wild ride.  Only God can do what has been done for Momentum this week, and how He is going to continue what He has started is going to be wild.  It will have to be.  That is the only way it could happen.  So, like I said, get a seat belt.  Better be heavy duty.

Oh, yeah, and might want to get a new toothbrush, too.  We will have to get all the bugs off our teeth when this ride slows know we will be grinning the whole way...........

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ping, Ping, Ping!!!!

This past week I decided that I was mentally-challenged.  Some of my friends  have thought that for years!  But that's not how I meant that.  I was challenged mentally, to try and keep up with all the thoughts, ideas and insanity that was flying through my mind, especially concerning all the upcoming events, changes and developments with the children's programs at Momentum Church. It has been an exciting week, but almost too exciting.   While working on one idea, 3 more would shoot through my thoughts, so I would jot them on a side note, and try and go back to the original idea, only to be sidetracked by 2 more tangents from there.  All these notes, tangents, ideas, and possibilities made me feel like my head might explode at any moment!  

The best way I could explain it to Steph was that my ideas felt like Ricochet Rabbit bouncing from side to side in my head.  This began a saddening of spirit as I realized that she, along with almost everyone I know, is too young to remember Ricochet Rabbit.  Back in the day, this was the type of television I watched.  Cartoons only came on Saturday morning.  It didn't teach anything.  No numbers, shapes, colors, or foreign language.  Just funny, at least it was to a 6 year old.   

So, if you are interested in what my brain was doing last week, you can watch this.  It's long.  6 minutes.  No interaction.  No redeeming value.  But may have been where I got the first concept that you should have your coffee all day long....... actually, it could explain a lot.  :-)

Monday, March 16, 2009

As a Daisy....

A few years ago, I taught a Daisies class.  Daisies are kindergarten-age girls and the Daisies pledge goes like this:  "As a Daisy, I will be happy, good and helpful, letting my light shine for Jesus."  

Though I am many years removed from kindergarten, isn't that still what God wants for me?  To be happy, good and helpful?  Certainly life is more complicated than when I was in kindergarten.  And the issues I face and the decisions I make have more consequences than when I was 5.  But, when I shake off all the hype, the drama, the frills; my decisions should ultimately be guided by those same three adjectives.  If I live so that I am:

Happy:  content, satisfied, pleasant.  Not that we don't have goals or aspirations that we are striving toward,  but the fact that we have not reached those places yet does not cost our happiness in the present.

Good:  Doing what is right.  Plain and simple.  If it's a good thing, do it.  If it's not, don't.  

Helpful:  Looking for ways to help others.  And when you see a chance, do it.  I have opportunities every day to help someone else.  I can help in my own home.  I can help my neighbor.  And now, thanks to the internet, I can help people on the other side of the world.  And it only takes a few minutes of my time.  

And in a world that has produced a culture of people that are unhappy, malicious, and self-centered, living happy, good and helpful will cause our lights to shine for Jesus.

Can you make the Daisies pledge?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Unleash 09

That's all I can say.
I have been to many conferences, and this has to have been one of the top 5.

-Great worship & Perry Noble.  That is enough to make it worth the drive.

The Lord renewed my vision for two things specifically yesterday:

-Volunteers that live to serve.
-A standard of ministry that is not compromised.

I will be praying about how I can be obedient to His call.

It was an amazing day and I got to share it with the most amazing staff members and volunteers anywhere; those from Momentum!  

AND, as if all that wasn't enough, I met Pete Wilson and Tony Morgan signed my copy of Killing Cockroaches.  I was a happy camper!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Would You Do It For One?

I did a lot of driving again this weekend, and, for a change, didn't listen to my podcasts, but just thought.  About a lot of things.  Driving back to Canton from Columbus, I reflected on some ministry undertakings that have failed.  I remember the excitement of starting a new outreach, that was sure to bring many new children and families to our church.  But, instead, it brought 3. 3 kids, not even 3 families.  I felt like I had failed at the time.  But this weekend I was reminded of how valuable one life is, and that if all the efforts and plans were spent to reach hundreds, but only reached one, was it worth it?  Was it worth the time.  Was it worth the planning?  Can I say I will work to reach 25, but not 5?  My efforts are worth 30 but not 3?  

This weekend I was reminded on the value of one.  One life, brought to the Savior.  And now, that one, bringing others.  God, I am so humbled that you let me be a part of that one life.  The tears I choked back driving home told me my answer.

I would do it for one.

Monday, March 2, 2009

You Gotta Laugh!!

We all need to laugh.  In the past couple of days, these things
have made me laugh, or at least smile, so I thought I would share:

Some new coffee quotes:

You know you are addicted to coffee when:
You dab a little on both wrists so you smell good all day.
You aren't waiting for Mr. Right, you're waiting for Mr. Coffee.
It's midnight and you are weighing the pros and cons of 
making a fresh pot

This made me laugh out loud:


And this was a great post from Pete Wilson:  secret talent!

Have a cup of coffee, clip some coupons, or learn a secret talent.  
But whatever you do, be happy.

This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Absolutely Perfect

Today was the perfect day.

--My visuals were less than stellar.
--My volunteers for this week were not available.
--My lesson, though planned early in the week, did not flow as I hoped.
--My body was as exhausted as I have ever been when I was going to teach.
--My coffee got cold before I could drink it.  

And, yet, I had the best morning I have had since coming to Momentum Church.  It was the absolute perfect example of 2 Corinthians 12:9:

"My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness." (NLT)

Thankfully, in the place of all the problems listed above that were "my" contributions to the day; His power was more than sufficient.  The "It" that Craig Groeschel writes  about was abundant at Momentum Church today. After service, I drove home refreshed and with a continued sense of excitement and anticipation of what the Lord is doing and going to do through us.  This is the day that reminds me again how blessed I am to do what I do, where I do it, with the people I do it with.