Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Who Blinked?

Ok, I guess I blinked, because it is Dec. 9th and the Christmas season is in full swing! I love this time of year. It get crazy busy, but, it's busy with a lot of things that I really like to do and that I am glad I can do. Making cookies for Stephanie' cookie exchange isn't so much about cookies. I can get really good cookies at Sam's, cheap. But it was a great time spend with the ladies I go to church with, but don't often have time to sit and talk with. Lining up floats for the Woodstock parade was a freezing couple of hours. But we got to make one more mark on this community that Momentum Church is about loving people, like Jesus did; wherever their need. Cooking for a senior's luncheon pays me a little extra money, but more than that, it facilitates a time that godly men and women can enjoy a meal and each others company; and some really bad music (sorry).

Christmas is just a few days away. Make your days count. You will have lots of options about what to do with your time. Do what's important; to you and to those around you. And enjoy the days and memories of those things. God gave His best. We should do the same; best choices, best efforts.

Just don't blink.

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