Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Those "Nevertheless" Folks

I'm sure everyone has those "nevertheless" folks in your life.  You know, the ones that ask you for advice, help, suggestions, and then do just the opposite.  I am following a chronological Bible reading plan for this year, it caught my attention that Moses dealt had those in his crowd, too.

They were told, 'Hey! Since you're grumbling so, God's going to send you some food.  It will show up in the morning.  Get just what you need for the day and don't keep it overnight.'

"Some of them paid no attention to Moses and kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots...."


Give it a couple of days and now it's the day before the Sabbath.  Moses tells them, 'Look, gather enough for today and tomorrow because there isn't going to be any out here on the Sabbath.'

"Nevertheless, some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather it, but they found none."

Nevertheless people exasperate me.  I have little patience or pity for those who won't take instruction. And my tendency is to shake my head and wipe my hands and walk away mumbling under my breath, "I told you so."

But Moses had compassion on these 'nevertheless' people.  Yes, he got angry.  Yes, he lost it a few times.  But he always came back to a place of compassion for them.  He prayed for them, he pleaded for them and he never walked away from his opportunity to lead them to follow God.

My challenge is to stop shaking my head and shake off my impatience. To pray for the 'nevertheless' folks that I know, to plead on their behalf.  And then, when given the opportunity, continue to lead them to what God has for their next steps.

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