Sunday, August 2, 2009

Train Up a Child....

Ok, so today was an exciting day.  We kicked off the new back to school series at Momentum Kids with bunches of balloons, closely resembling the cloud of balloons used in the movie, "Up".  This is going to be a great series for the kids, as we are introducing our missions program for them by looking at what back to school means all around the world.  

So, the balloon effect was good, the kids liked them, and at the close of service we were giving each kid a balloon to take home.  Some how, about 15 balloons came untied and floated to the ceiling.  They came to rest at the top of the theater with their nice white ribbons hanging down in front of the screen.  It took me about 15 seconds to realize this is NOT GOOD!  Once service is over, we have about 30 mins to tear down, load up the trailers, and be out of the theater before the movies start.  And now,once tear down is done, I still have balloons hanging in front of the screen, way out of reach, and no obvious way to get them down.

Thankfully, Stacie and Jed came into the theater.  Now, Stacie, along with her other siblings, has grown up in Children's Ministry.  For all of her 21 years, she has gone to church with a mom that was in whatever class was for the kids.  From the time my kids were old enough to count, they have helped with every event that I have arranged.  They have sorted VBS prizes into goodie bags, painted Fall Festival backdrops, stuffed thousands of plastic Easter eggs, and said hundreds of times, "We are always the last ones to leave the church parking lot!"  As kids, rarely did they complain about helping.  But as an adult, Stacie's call isn't Children's Ministry.  So she doesn't often just hang out to help.  Fortunately, her days of training kicked in today.  

Walking into the middle of the dilemma, I didn't even have to ask.  She enlisted Jed's help, and they spent the next 25 minutes fishing balloons off the ceiling with one balloon on a ball of ribbon, topped with masking tape.  

"Train up a child in the way they should go........"
That verse is usually quoted in reference to teaching your child spiritual values.  But I think it can also apply to teaching them to find a place to serve; whether that is at church, or outside the church.  Finding a way to serve others is a largely a matter of habit; being aware of the needs around you, and doing what you can to meet them.  If you are a parent, how are your actions training your children?  Do you find a place to serve?  Or do you just wait on the sidelines until you are asked?  Step up,  look around, and see what needs to be done.  

And bring your kids along with you.

One day you may be glad you did! ;-)

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