Sunday, April 19, 2009


Rest.  Everyone knows we need it.  Everyone knows that life goes better all the way  around when we get it.  But we often just don't do it.  Life is busy.  To-do lists abound.  "Opportunities" present themselves.  And we answer; we live, cross off one task, add two more to the list.  

I love my busy life.  It seems the more there is to do, the happier I am.  But happier in the moment sometimes comes at the expense of a quality of our work.  We are still doing our best, just our best, isn't really our best.

So, rest.  Find time, make time, take time.

I suggest sand and Starbucks at St. Simon's Island.

(ps - don't forget the sunblock)

1 comment:

Joseph and Stacie said...

Your poor legs! I really like this picture. Next time I'm going to the beach with you!