Friday, April 3, 2009

What Do You Want?

Several days ago, I read in Luke 18 about Jesus healing the blind beggar.  It was one of those times that the words I had read, probably a hundred times before, jumped off the page as if they were printed in a 96 font; "Jesus asked him, 'What do you want me to do for you?' ".  I was overcome with the question, what if Jesus asked me that right now?  What would I ask?   

I rattled the thought around in my head as I headed outside to do some yard work.  I plugged in my ipod and turned on a podcast by one of my all-time favorite pastors, John Wood.  I was really excited about having his podcast because I hadn't been able to download them until Eric, another fav pastor, got me the right link.  So, I have a year's worth of sermons to catch up on, and start with the first one.  John's passage?  Luke 18, of course.  Sermon:  Jesus heals the blind beggar, of course.  I love it when God makes sure that I get it.  This is for me, right now.  You can't write that off as chance.

So, I continued to rattle that around, and came to some conclusions about myself that have been unsettling for the last week.  If Jesus asked me that question, in person, right now, I can't answer.  I can think of several things that would be helpful to my family life, my ministry, and my church.  But it seems to me that I should KNOW what I want and need most.  

The beggar knew what he needed and wanted most.  He knew what was keeping him from living the life he wanted.   

Have I lost the focus and sense of urgency about what I want to do?  Pastor Ross preached last year, Lord, make us addicted.  We should be consumed by the call You put on our lives.  We should be so focused on the goal of our walk with You, that we are keenly aware of what anything that keeps us from fulfilling that call. It's as though we have let ourselves be blinded by the busyness of the world.  It has distracted us, and caused us to be left sitting on the side of the road, useless for His Kingdom.  

Lord, I want my focus back.  I want to be so consumed by the drive You put in me to reach the lost, that I can give an instant answer to any opportunity You give me to ask.

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