Thursday, April 20, 2017

Broad Paths and Twisted Ankles

How very appropriate that today's YouVersion reading plan directed me to Psalm 18.  David, having just returned from rescuing his wives and family; along with the rest of the city, from attackers, penned this psalm of praise to God for His provision.

I'm reading this, propped on the couch with my ankle wrapped from a mis-cue off an unseen step
yesterday evening.  epsom salts, lemongrass oil and Motrin are all on hand to help ease the swelling and stiffness this morning as I read verse 36...

"You provide a broad path for my feet,
so that my ankles do not give way...."

Timely, yes?

David knew that as he was pursing the enemy that had attacked and burned the city, then kidnapped the women and children, God had provided a clear, broad route to give David the ability to overtake the enemy and rescue the families that had been taken captive.  David and his men were many hours behind the route of the enemy, but sure paths allowed them to make up the time and reach the place where the enemy had camped.  David simply focused on following the path God set before him.

There was a broad path for me to walk, as I was making my way to the parking lot yesterday.  It was clear and straight, with nothing in the way.    The problem was that I was texting a reply as I made my way back to the parking lot.  And I was thinking about an earlier conversation that was going to need followup, and I was totally distracted.  I wasn't looking at the path.  I wasn't paying attention to the fact that this was an unfamiliar place. I was focused on what had taken the place of urgency in my mind; relaying this message, making the next call.  Until I took a misstep off a step I didn't expect to be there, and landed in the grass, twisting my ankle in the process.  Suddenly there was a new sense of urgency.  My ankle hurt! 

So, today, I'm reminding myself two things.  First, God has a path for me.  If I will be intentional to stay focused on where He is guiding me and not let myself be distracted by the busyness of the moment, my journey will go much smoother. 

And.  Watch where you're walking.  #donttextandwalk


Unknown said...

Oh NO!!!! Feel better soon!! Good word. :) Hope to see you next week!

Barbara said...

Thanks, Kathy!! I can't wait to see you!!!