Saturday, March 1, 2014

Budgets, Lists & Life

So getting back into a blogging rhythm is taking a little longer than I thought.. but here's to hoping March will be more "budgeted" than February has been!  In my quest to make time to breathe, I am learning that old habits are easy to fall back into, and, let me just be honest, budgeting isn't one of my natural gifts.  Ok, it's not one of my gifts, it's not one of my priorities, nor is it something I even like.  And budgets don't apply to just money.  We budget our time, we budget our energy, and, yes, we budget our money, too.  Here's my issue:

Budgets have limits and I don't like limits.

Especially when I know that I have more to do than those limits will allow.  That's why I don't want to put it on paper.  There's no way.  It can't be done.  And writing those things down only makes it even more plain to see that I can't do all that I want to do.  So, I tend to make mini-budgets and daily to-do lists.  And leave the big picture stuff off the paper completely.  I like to live each day, doing all that must be done that day, and beyond that working on all the other "non-urgent" projects and duties as they present themselves.

Sometime back I watched David Allen's Do Lecture "The Mind is for Having Ideas Not Holding Them".     He lays out a template for staging idea, projects and getting all the stuff swirling in your brain OUT of your brain and ON a file, a to-do list, a calendar.  Whatever your mode of follow-up, put your ideas there.  First, it frees up your brain for new ideas and second, it gives you a systematic way to approach those unending projects that, for me, end up lost between today's urgent and next month's project, never to be accomplished.

I'm going to attempt to put some of this into practice this month.  And while much of what I have unending, the house, the yard, the laundry, doesn't ever get finished, there are many other projects that I have dabbled with for years that may benefit from a bit of budgeting.

 I will share how that goes.  Here's to teaching an old dog new tricks!

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