Monday, June 22, 2009

My Observations While Being Observed: Part 2

I was going to get better because someone else gave their blood.

It was a creepy thought at first. But as I lay there, it occurred to me that the blood that was going through my body had been in someone else's body before me.  I lay in the hospital bed, not sleeping, of course, thanks to the carefully scheduled visits to my room every 20 minutes by the nursing staff to check my vital signs, change my IV, or take more blood.  I thought about the person who had donated the blood that was dripping ever so slowly into my body.   And if they hadn't given it, I wouldn't be getting better.  I wondered who they were, where they lived, what their life was like.  And I was grateful for them. 

 And my spirit whispered:

I am going to live forever with Jesus because He gave His blood.

It was a very vivid and very personal reminder that true life is in The Blood.  His blood applied to my life, provides the covering and forgiveness that leads to an abundant life now and an eternity with Jesus.  I have known, believed, and rejoiced in this fact for a long time.  But I felt the reality of this "fact" come to life as I lay in that hospital bed. 

 I felt like the kids that I so love to teach when they understand for the first time a truth from the Bible.  You can watch their eyes light up, and see that look that says, "I see! Oh!  So that's how it is!"  The greatest joy I ever experience is when I see that look in a kid's eye.  I smile and think, "They got it".  

I wondered as I lay in Room 218, if Jesus looked at me with the same smile and said, 

"She got it."

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