Monday, May 4, 2009

The Week of Reminders!

I have a love:hate relationship with to-do lists.  I love the satisfaction of marking off each item, and, by days end, holding a piece of paper full of lined out words.  On the other hand, I hate spending the time to write a to-do list, when I could be doing one of those things instead of composing the list.  Having that list on my desk, in my car, or in my pocket, reminds me of the things I need to accomplish that day.  I believe, part of my issue, is that I don't want to admit I need the reminder.  I want to think that I am aware of what I need to do, and that I will just do it.  I mean, hello?  I am an adult.  I have a brain.  I am aware of the day of the week.  I know what needs to be done.  But, my confession is, I still need reminders.

Last week, I had a week of reminders.  Not concerning my day to day responsibilities, but about what really matters.  Reminders of who God is and what He said in His Word.  Ok, again, I am an adult.  Spiritually.  (not a perfect one, or one who has arrived, but not a new Christian).  I am aware that the "hour is late, time is short, the night is coming when no man can work....".  I know what needs to be done; people need Jesus.  But, again, my confession is, I still need reminders.  These are some reminders God sent my way last week through others:

We are all a hopeless mess.  Pastor Ross has brought the best series I have ever heard from anyone these last few weeks.  You will be changed if you listen to Dysfunktion.  

That God's mercy and grace is evident in our families when we are far from perfect.  Both Stephanie's story at Journey Group and Reggie Joiner's message at the Orange Conference backed up Jeff's quote, "Satan is just giving God more to work with when he throws this junk in our lives."  I don't know a perfect family.  And if there was one, how would those kid's learn of God's grace and healing power?

And in all this mess, we have access to the Creator of the universe and everything in it, who can bring order to the chaos of our lives and get glory from doing it.  Eric and John both reminded me of this unlimited power that our God brings when we go to Him.  Those words flow so easily, unlimited power.  But stop; and be reminded of what ALL ACCESS means!

Then, mark that off your to-do list, put it back in your pocket, and watch God's grace be unveiled!

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