Wednesday, March 8, 2017

For International Women's Day: For Such a Time as This

When I think about International Women's Day and those women I admire for putting their all on the line, my mind always goes back to Esther.  No, she didn't help earn me the right to vote, or drive a car, or work a job. But from a very young age, she gave me encouragement that, as a woman, God had a plan just as vital for me to follow for those around me, as He did for any other person; man or woman.

For such a time as this.

It has brought purpose to steps and paths and jobs and seasons without jobs, that otherwise would seem only wasted time, accomplishing little of value.

Esther was taken from her home with her cousin, who had raised her after the death of her parents, to be among those the king would survey to select his new queen.  She didn't volunteer.  She didn't fill out an application.  She didn't show up for auditions for the show "So You Think You Can Be Queen?"  She was taken; a beautiful, young Jewish girl and placed in the harem of the Persian king.

Yet, she didn't complain.  She didn't despair.  She didn't sulk.  She trusted that her steps were known to God, and she trusted the advice of the one who had taught her to trust Him.

We know the end of the story.  We know it was very much "For such a time as this" that she was there.  But Esther didn't know the rest of the story.  Until it was done.  I have taken much comfort in knowing that when my steps seem to be where I didn't choose to go and the tasks that have occupied my time are not what I would have chosen to do, that these still came as no surprise to God, so there must be a purpose to come.

And while the seasons of my life have never led to the salvation of a nation from destruction, I have had relationships that were life-changing and amazing opportunities that never would have happened had my path gone as I had wished.

Esther was the first woman I knew made an international difference.

She gave me courage to believe I could make a difference, too.  And so can you.  If the place you find yourself today isn't what you had hoped it would be.  Or if you are doing a job, or you lack a job, that causes you to doubt your purpose, take Esther's lead.  Don't complain, don't sulk and most of all, don't despair! Find your voice in the place where you are today. You don't know what the next steps, next week, next month may hold.  And as those days come, be that difference.  No one else can use your voice, your hands or your heart.

Today may be the day just before you are needed For Such a Time as This.